Company locations

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XERVON Oberflächentechnik’s business locations


The REMONDIS Group’s locations

Discover the world of REMONDIS with its approx. 800 branches and associated companies in over 30 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
The REMONDIS Group’s locations

Your expert for surface technology

From coatings, to corrosion control, all the way through to concrete repair – our portfolio provides the full range of services. The coating systems we use are selected on a case-by-case basis to meet the specific requirements of each individual project.

Mitarbeiter PSA trägt Beschichtung auf

Our services

Industrial corrosion control solutions, a wide range of specialty coatings and professional concrete repair work – we have the expertise to protect your plant, buildings and steel structures.
Our range of services

Industriekulisse bei Nacht

A wide range of expertise

Our areas of expertise are as wide ranging as our coating systems. No matter whether it involves coating tanks at an industrial estate, maintaining infrastructure, renovating industrial monuments or working during turnarounds: we have the right solution for every type of surface.
Our range of expertise

Some noteworthy success stories

What have Area 51, a film set and Munich Airport got to do with XERVON Oberflächentechnik? Find out here!

Blaue Außerirdische bewegen sich langsam

Mysterious goings-on in Area 51 – for safe rides and boundless fun.
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Szenerie Insel Felsen einsames Haus

Take 1, Action – a film set and a turnaround have more in common than you may think.
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Flugzeug fliegt in den Sonnenuntergang

Ready for take-off – when the airport becomes a place to go for an outing.
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Our Up²date magazine

Read about the many exciting projects that our Group companies are working on. Keep up to date with our digital up2date magazine!

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News // Exhibitions & Events

Coating surfaces with a spray gun



With our new coating solution, we combine corrosion protection and thermal insulation. The efficient solution for complex refurbishment projects in refineries.

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Insulation for tank roofs



Tank roofs are a demanding field in terms of insulation, as they often have numerous special construction sites such as valves, ventilation openings or exhaust pipes. In addition, a particularly effective protection against corrosion is important here.

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XERVON Oberflächentechnik GmbH // A company of the REMONDIS Group