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Industriekulisse alte Zeche rot beleuchtet

Preserving industrial culture.
Surface technology for industrial monuments

Industrial monuments require a special kind of treatment. It is certainly true that professionals need to be called in to prepare and coat the surfaces just as they would for a modern building, plant or structure. The work that has to be carried out, however, has its own set of rules. We unite the capabilities of modern surface technology with the special requirements that automatically come with restoring and preserving historical monuments – and make yesterday’s buildings fit for the future.

Preparing surfaces with skill and finesse

If industrial monuments are to be protected long term, then the unwanted remnants from the past – corrosion, erosion, old coatings, deposits etc – must first be removed from their surfaces. This work is a real balancing act as such monuments only really come across as authentic if they show signs of ageing. By making the very most of our know-how and selecting the perfect combination of technologies and processes, we preserve the signs of the past while ensuring the required surface quality is achieved – both when repairing concrete and working on steel and iron surfaces.

When working on monuments, it is imperative to have experience of handling contaminated substances as the old protective coats are often considered hazardous according to today’s standards

Modern coatings with a historical look

The coating that is applied to the surface of the monument must provide the protection needed but it shouldn’t look too new either. We draw up detailed coating concepts beforehand to achieve just this. These concepts ensure that the application of the coat meets the exact requirements – regarding both its function and the way it looks. Just as is the case with the modern structures we treat, we work with innovative coating systems and deploy specialty solutions for industrial monuments as well.

XERVON Oberflächentechnik GmbH // A company of the REMONDIS Group