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Corrosion protection at Movie Park Germany (Bottrop-Kirchhellen)
Perfect illusions need more than just elaborate concepts – they must also be absolutely safe. Sure, it’s fine when they cause a shiver to run down your spine. What they may never be, though, is dangerous.
The US government would like to stamp out the rumours about aliens in Area 51. To make their operations more transparent, the US Air Force has invited people to attend an Open Day at this base. The visitors can travel to the Nevada desert and see for themselves whether aliens inhabit this secret place or not ...
What sounds like the start of a sci-fi movie is the background story to the water ride attraction at Movie Park Germany in Bottrop-Kirchhellen.
People must step into a boat to take a closer look at this theme park’s Area 51 attraction. They then go a nail-biting trip through the inside of the mountain – in the dark, of course – that includes some spine-tingling effects and soaking wet surprises. This mixture of sudden drops and ghost-train-like ride is what makes this attraction so special. Its themes have changed over the years – from the Bermuda Triangle to Area 51 – but is has always remained one of the park’s most popular rides. The technology behind this detailed and authentic show is extremely complex – with chain hoists to pull the boats inside the mountain, contraptions to enable the boats to suddenly change directions and steep routes so they can drop down quickly.
Each year, Movie Park Germany must get ready for its annual TÜV inspection once its winter season starts. This is the time, therefore, when XERVON Oberflächentechnik travels to Bottrop-Kirchhellen to service the various attractions’ steel structures. And this also includes the water ride, which is particularly vulnerable to corrosion due to the high humidity levels. No matter whether there are aliens there or not – these nail-biting rides have to be absolutely safe. And specialists need to be called in to make sure this is the case.
A multi-stage process is needed to ensure the structure of Movie Park Germany’s water ride is reliably protected against corrosion. To begin with, the steel elements must be pre-treated with solid blasting media to determine whether the substructure has experienced any damage. The surface is then blasted again after some welding work has been performed. What is essential here is achieving the right degree of cleanliness and roughness as this determines how well the anti-corrosion coating sticks to the surface and how long the protection lasts. XERVON’s corrosion protection experts have the specialist knowledge needed to analyse the environment and so determine which coating system will deliver the best results – indeed this is one of their strengths. A special damp-resistant coating was selected for the water ride in Bottrop-Kirchhellen that was applied in several layers – to ensure the attraction remains safe despite the wet environment.